Why I Deliberately Set Up My Business to Fail.
In the whirlwind world of business, where monetary profit margins and growth metrics often reign supreme, the decision behind my business model might seem counterintuitive, even baffling to some. But as the saying goes, “there’s more to it than meets the eye.” Allow me to shed light on my choice and its underlying altruistic motive.

The Problem at Hand
Festivals, with their vibrant energy and communal spirit, have always been spaces of joy, creativity, and freedom. However, they also present a significant environmental challenge: the aftermath. Every year, attendees leave behind a trail of discarded tents, equipment, and materials. This not only contributes to environmental degradation but also poses a logistical challenge for event organizers and clean-up crews.
The Initial Solution
In 2016 I recognised this problem and saw an opportunity to bridge a gap. envisioning a business that would work together with charities to save those still usable and repurpose the rest of these abandoned tents and equipment into beautiful decorations and accessories. The idea was ingenious in its simplicity: salvage what’s left behind and transform it into something new, breathing life into discarded materials.

Along with the salvaging and creative element of my story I also committed myself, working with other like-minded people and businesses to try and educate the wider world into taking accountability for their own items and becoming responsible for their actions, promoting the popular “Leave No Trace’ and ‘Take it Don’t Leave it’ pledges of various festival sites

The Catch-22
However, here lies the paradox. By achieving my goals of minimising waste at festivals, I inadvertently created a potential pitfall for my business. If attendees stop leaving their tents and equipment behind, my primary source of raw materials diminishes, threatening the very foundation of my venture.
"I aim to help cultivate a mindset shift among festival-goers"
The Altruistic Dilemma
This brings me to the heart of the matter: the altruistic intent behind my business model. While most entrepreneurs aim for sustainability by reducing waste or emissions, my approach is rooted in a deeper, more intricate form of sustainability: social responsibility. I aim to help cultivate a mindset shift among festival-goers, encouraging them to value and respect communal spaces, understand the environmental impact of their actions, and participate actively in creating positive change.

The Greater Good
Setting my business up for potential failure might seem like a misguided strategy. However, the end goal transcends mere profitability. It’s about fostering a culture of conscientiousness, where individuals prioritize communal well-being over individual convenience. If my venture leads to fewer tents abandoned and a heightened sense of responsibility among attendees, then I consider it a resounding success, irrespective of my business trajectory. While the fabric shortages pose a genuine challenge, I remain optimistic. Innovation thrives on challenges, and I am confident that alternative solutions will emerge. Perhaps partnerships with sustainable fabric manufacturers, collaborations with eco-conscious brands, or diversifying into related product lines could offer viable pathways.
In a world dominated by profit-driven paradigms, daring to prioritize altruism over profitability may seem risky. Yet, it’s precisely this courage that propels transformative change. By setting my business up to fail in the conventional sense, I aspire to succeed where it matters most: in fostering a more compassionate, responsible, and sustainable festival culture. After all, isn’t that the greatest business of all?