Crochet Creations
I like to keep my hands busy... stops me diving into the bisquit tin!
I began learning to knit six years ago, changing to crochet shortly after. Knitting and Crochet, although similar are two different techniques. With knitting you have two needles, whereas with traditional crochet you have one hook. Also knitting can be machine produced, if you have a crocheted item it will have been hand-made.
Nowadays I rarely knit, preferring to adapt or even re-write patterns to crochet. I take on a lot of commissions over the winter months as the weather gets colder, often attending craft markets to sell all my delights. I have also written my own patterns, which can also be purchased in the shop.

As I have boxes of un-homed crocheted makes and presently am unable to display them for the Christmas Craft Markets I have decided to add them to my shop.
Everything is unique and I rarely make the same thing twice, but if you see something you like and it’s not in you colour or size please do get in touch and ask me about commission options.